Wednesday, December 18, 2019

April's Virtue is Justice: A Powerful Photo Essay About Refugees

The secondary text we chose for April is a powerful photo essay about the plight of refugees in our world.  This book has limited text, but the real life images of refugees highlight the challenges that they face in having their basic needs met.  Your students will be encouraged to think about what they can do to welcome newcomers to our community in an age-appropriate manner.

April Justice 3: Where Will I Live?

March's Virtue is Forgiveness...Two New Book Choices!

As those of you who have attended our recent PD sessions know, after using the lessons for our original Forgiveness book, "I Forgive You" by Nicole Lataif, with our students, we were not happy with our book choice.

We are happy to report that we found two fantastic books to address March's Catholic Virtue of Forgiveness and are sharing the full lesson plans with you!

"The Bad Birthday Idea" by Madeline Valentine shares the story of two siblings.  When the older brother accidentally breaks his sister's birthday present before she even receives it, he learns the importance of apologizing and making amends.  His gracious sister offers her forgiveness and their relationship is healed.

March Forgiveness 2: The Bad Birthday Idea

Our other choice to demonstrate the Catholic Virtue of Forgiveness is "Horrible Bear!" by Ame Dyckman.  When a bear inadvertently breaks her kite, the young girl is furious.  Her anger at the bear spills over into her home, and she herself accidentally breaks a toy.  The story culminates with an apology and forgiveness on both sides.

March Forgiveness 3: Horrible Bear!

February Book and Lessons Added

Image result for ruthie and the not so teeny tiny lie

The secondary book for February's Catholic Virtue of Charity is "Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie" by Laura Rankin.

In this relatable story, Ruthie finds a special treasure on the playground and lies about it's ownership when confronted by another student.  The internal feelings of discomfort are highlighted, as well as a great connection back to January's Virtue of Courage!

February Honesty 2: Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie

Monday, October 28, 2019

The original book list

Many people have asked for a complete book list with authors. This will come in handy if you are looking to purchase a few or order all of them to have at your school!

Now you can access the original list of books in our collection in one place!

Monday, October 21, 2019

New Books and Lessons Added!

We are excited to share additional lessons with you for the months of November, December, and January!

As Kindergarten teachers, we often have the same children for two years in a row, or know that the previous teacher has already taught the lessons using the original book for each virtue.  While we certainly believe that children would continue to benefit from re-reading the original story in subsequent years, we also recognize that some teachers want to teach the virtue using a brand new book.

Our secondary book for November is "Tilt Your Head, Rosie the Red" by Rosemary McCarthy.  You may recognize Rosie from our June text, "Being Me!" The five-day lesson plans can be accessed using the following link:  

Our secondary book for December is "Every Which Way To Pray" by Joyce Meyer.  This text features characters from "Field of Peace," which is our original text for November.  The five-day lesson plans can be accessed using the following link:  

Our secondary book for January is "It Will Be Okay" by Lysa TerKeurst.  This sweet story of friendship and courage highlights the importance of trusting that God will always help us through challenging situations.  The five-day lesson plans can be accessed using the following link:  
January Courage 2: It Will Be Okay