Wednesday, December 14, 2016

February's Virtue is Honesty

February's book is "Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib" by Darren Farrell. It is about two friends and one tells a fib. He then discovers that when you tell a lie, sometimes things can get out of control and that it is better to tell the truth from the beginning.

To access the lesson plans for this book, click on the link below:

February: Honesty

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

January's Virtue is Courage

The book "If I Never Forever Endeavor" written by Holly Meade is about a little bird that is afraid to fly. The bird considers it's options for overcoming it's fears which makes it a great story to show how courage is about trying to do something even if it is scary or difficult.

To access the lesson plans for this book, click on the link below:
January: Courage

***The original link for "David is Brave" has changed.  Please click above for the revised package with the updated link.  The Bible story is now called "David and Goliath"***

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

December's Virtue is Humility

The book for this month is "Fool Moon Rising" by Kristi and T. Lively Fluharty. It is about the moon and how important he feels he is. This book recognizes that God is the source of all that we have and that we should show appreciation to God for these gifts.

Click on this link to access the lesson plans:

November's Virtue is Peacemaking

November's book is "Field of Peace" by Joyce Meyer.  This story about a baseball team shows how important it is to make the choice to get along with others.

Click on this link to access the lesson plans:

November: Peacemaking

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October's Virtue is Respect

October's book is "Kode's Quest(ion)". It is written by Katherena Vermette, a Canadian author. The book is one of seven, that are available separately, but all focus on the Seven Teachings of First Nation peoples.

Click on this link to access the lesson plans:
October: Respect

Our Catholic Virtue project in ELKP has begun!

We are excited to share with you the beginning of what will hopefully be an exciting and fruitful project for our students and others we can share with. Beginning this school year, we have introduced our students to a new way of learning about our Catholic Virtues. These lessons include an age appropriate, high quality children's book and a story from the Bible to help support their understanding of these complex concepts.

In the months that follow, we will post new our lessons and the books we are using to fulfill these goals.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

September's Virtue is Inclusivity

We are excited to share the first book we will be using to explore the virtues with you!  September's virtue is Inclusivity and we have chosen the book "Elmer's Special Day" by David McKee

To access the complete package of materials for September, click the link below:

September: Inclusivity